Hello everyone
It’s first Sunday, this Sunday and so time to walk together again. As I explained last month we will continue with the physically disconnected methods for now so everyone who wants to can join in, wherever they are, inside or out.
I’ll post the derive instructions on Sunday morning for you to adapt as you wish. They will be on facebook group “the loiterers resistance movement” and twitter @thelrm as well as the blog www.thelrm.org
I will be walking at 2pm in Manchester for those who want a synchronised wander.
The whatsapp group will be the place for sharing as we walk at the same time with photographs and live chat, it’s a private group just for this event so if you want to be part of it please email mlrose@thelrm.org with your number or send me an SMS or Whatsapp message to 07974929589 by 12 noon on Sunday
Derive reports can also be shared on facebook or twitter @thelrm #LRMAugust later, I always love to see where everyone has gone and what you have discovered.
The general theme for the walk will be our relationship to the environment, flora, fauna and greenspace and we will seek out “the natural” in our everyday landscapes
It would be brilliant to have you wandering along with us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, comments or ideas for future events
Love and golden apples