

The Loiterers Resistance Movement

First Sunday August 21: prompts

First Sunday today, here's a thread of prompts prompts for a wander #psychogeography #MetaphysicalTreasureHunt #Loiter2021

Explore wherever you are, on your own or in a group, to try and find all the things below. Join us in Salford today or on the screen.

Full details are here or scroll down to read the post below this one

These prompts are for you to interpret as you wish but please do take care of yourself, each other and your environment + share what you find please

1) A fox or a faery
2) Something that smells good to you
3) Something flowering
4) Somewhere soft to walk and somewhere hard
5) Something unusual or unexpected
6) A playground…. What games can you imagine playing there?
7) A pattern that pleases you
8) A piece of history
9) A portal to another world
10) The bluest blue and the reddest red
11) A message from the future
12) This place rocks. Find something that shows you why

Hope to see folk in Green Grosvenor Park (2pm) Bexley Square (5pm) today or on screen tomorrow. Thanks to Ben @walktheplank and Keri for clues and to all who loiter with me. It means a lot.

More info:

May you always find treasure when you wander

Love and golden apples

Morag x

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