Its First Sunday today and so here is the whole script/ prompt here for you to use as tool for wandering whenever you fancy.
The theme is Re-enchantment
Look for the magic, marvellous, mythic in your landscape however you interpret them.
What spells are woven across our everyday landscape?
Can a shift in perspective bring a radical awakening?
If you aren’t sure which way to go follow sigils, signs or sparrows or spin a pencil/twig/lucky charm to show you the direction you need to follow
Wherever and wherever and however you walk please remember to take care of yourself, everyone who shares your space and your environment.
I will start walking 2pm from Stockport Plaza, find me there or join the live whatsapp group message by texting or messaging 07974929589 (with your name and international dialing code if needed) or if you explore alone please share your findings on twitter @thelrm #LRM2021 or on our facebook group “the loiterers resistance movement”