Greetings dear friends and fellow loiterers
First Sunday This Sunday and we will be gathering for our last wander of the year. The location has been chosen by request, we also explored the area at night last month and we will be marking change in our own curious way.
Please join us this Sunday, December 1st, starting 2pm in Cutting Room Square Ancoats.
For those who wish to join us for the first time or just fancy a refresher here's some useful info. Our walks are always free and everyone is welcome. The pace and direction is set by participants according to their needs and desires. This is NOT a guided tour but a psychogeographical exploration and experiment in creative walking with interesting folk.
We move through the city together so please come prepared to navigate the urban environment. Walks last a maximum of 2 hours and finish somewhere where we can have a chat and share travellers tales.
If you have any questions, specific access requirements or need more information please do get in touch twitter @thelrm or on our facebook group "the loiterers resistance movement." I hope to see you on the streets soon With love and golden apples
Morag xx