Octobers First Sunday is a collaboration with STEP (Saunter, Trek, Escort, Parade) in NYC. Items from The LRM archive are part of their exhibition in Queens NYC and this is the first of three walks together across the ocean. This script was sent to us by Moira Williams, one of STEPs curators
Put a sock on it!
For our Sunday October 7th derive let us be guided by the markers and monuments throughout our city(s). Our guides also include our collective playfulness, feelings and instincts to reshape and re-contextualize Manchester's and NYC's markers and monuments. Options for re- contextualizing and reshaping markers and monuments are broad, varied and depend upon what everyone brings with them. From objects in our bags, found objects to embodied movement we will consider how markers and monuments shape our everyday histories while at the same time how markers and monuments erase history.
Additionally, October is National Sock Day! For each re-contextualized marker and monument in Manchester we in NYC will donate socks to The Booth Centre Manchester group of your choice. We are also asking people to bring a pair of socks for use to pass on as part of We Shall Overcome* So let's put a sock on erased histories together!
Following our walk we will head to a nearby pub to share a drink and talk about our walk together.
Date: Sunday 7 October
NYC walk departs 11:00 AM
Manchester walk departs 3:00PM
Location: NYC Central Park General William Tecumseh Sherman Statue between Grand Army Plaza and 5th Ave.The NRW trains will get you to 5th Ave and the General William Tecumseh Sherman Statue.
Location: The Lincoln Statue, Lincoln Square Manchester
Walk Length NYC: approximately 3 hours, 10:00AM – 1:00PM
Walk Length Manchester: approximately 2 hours, 3:00PM – 5:00PM (then an hour or so sharing stories)
Walk Level: EASY – mostly on sidewalks and paved pathways. Wheels, walkers and sticks welcome!
Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing, any props you wish and a desire to shift history!
*We Shall Overcome is a raised fist and a helping hand, there will be a special LRM event on 28th October, more details soon: https://weshallovercomeweekend.com/